Hello, I have built the toolchain using the buildroot ( GCC 4.4.2 with uClibc- ) Everything works well but when I compiled with -mplt option, always it fails with Segmentation fault. I read some articles that with -mplt option, preformance will be 10% highter than without plt option. I don't know why this fails everytime. please help me... #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello world \n"); return 0; } #mipsel-linux-gcc -o a a.c Hello world #mipsel-linux-gcc -mplt -o a a.c Segmentation fault #mipsel-linux-gcc -mplt -no-shared -o a a.c Segmentation fault #mipsel-linux-gcc -mplt -no-shared -mabicalls -o a a.c Segmentation fault Thanks,