Hello, I'm porting 2.6.26 Linux on the platform of MIPS 34K. Currently, the uni-processor kernel model(1 VPE) and SMP model (2 VPE) are up and work perfectly. Now, I need to port the AP/SP model on a normal Linux uniprocessor kernel model. I'd like to load an application program (ELF ?) into kernel space where this application will run on a Secondary VPE undisturbed by the Linux kernel. After I enabled the MIPS_VPE_LOADER [=y] in .config , the kernel is up without any error/warning message. Please help : 1. How to load the application into VPE1 from VPE0 ? (cat XYZapp >/dev/vpe1 ?) 2. Is there any sample "Hello World" application for this ? 3. Any specific tool chain needed ? Thanks.