Julien BLACHE wrote:
The patch below fixes serial console hangs as seen on IP22
machines. Typically, while booting, the machine hangs for ~1 minute
displaying "INIT: ", then the same thing happens again when init
enters in the designated runlevel and finally the getty process on
ttyS0 hangs indefinitely (though strace'ing it helps).
Out of curiosity, don't suppose you've seen the oops on IP22 that can sometimes
be triggered by closing the serial client on another box? Haven't investigated
it too much, but I've seen the odd case on Indy and IP28 (which also uses the
zilog driver) where shutting down my serial client or sometimes rebooting the
system running the client oopses the driver. I suspect some rogue data gets
passed that zilog doesn't know how to handle properly.
Gentoo/MIPS Team Lead
Gentoo Foundation Board of Trustees
"Such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands
do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere." --Elrond