Hi, This is more of an openembedded question than a MIPS one. However I was hoping someone could help me. I just downloaded the instructions from AMD's developer website and it talks about getting OE snapshot and Bitbake snapshot. As follows: OE Snapshot - Please acquire OE using monotone as per: http://oe.handhelds.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/GettingStarted#head-1c5adf3b1f1467ec9bcb48b5a34c18632557c3c4 BitBake Snapshot - Please acquire Bitbake using subversion as per: http://oe.handhelds.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/GettingStarted#head-edc470c3655ac7ebac7ae7928ea574819170fa1b I have read through the Monotone/Svn documentation and I am not sure how to do get both the above snapshots. Any help is appreciated. I have installed the latest version of both. Regards Kanchan