I got the below error message. ======================================= Au1xxx IDE(builtin) configured for PIO+DDMA(offload) hda: FUJITSU MHT2020AT, ATA DISK drive hda: setting Au1XXX IDE to PIO mode4 ide0 at 0xb8800000-0xb8800007,0xb88001c0 on irq 64 hda: max request size: 64KiB hda: lost interrupt hda: lost interrupt hda: lost interrupt hda: 39070080 sectors (20003 MB) w/2048KiB Cache, CHS=38760/16/63 hda: lost interrupt hda: lost interrupt hda:<4>hda: lost interrupt hda1 hda2 hda: lost interrupt ========================================== Our board is based on the Au1200 and we use the Compact Flash as a HDD. It looks the hdd identified but the interrupt config is bad. The base address looks fine but don't understand why the irq number is 64. I am not sure how can I set this. Please help me, Thanks,.