Hi, this question is posted here in the hope, it will be picked up and answered by some of the <*@*engr.sgi.com> gurus, i apologize to the other members of this mailing-list for annoying them with it as well ;-) Is it save to assume, that memory bus errors (mc cpu_error_stat & 0x400) on IP28 - due to R10k's precise exception model - can be asynchronous only when caused by an aborted (misspeculated) instruction ? The R10k manual, experiences with spurious bus errors and experiments with "real" and speculated loads/stores seem to suggest this. Moreover, could it be enough to recognize the bus error as asynchrounous, when the exception code in cp0_cause doesn't say "Instruction bus error exception" (6) or "Data bus..." (7), but "Interrupt" (0) ? (i.e. without analyzing the instruction at epc and register contents) Rationale for this question: if a memory bus error can reliably be identified as originating from a misspeculated memory access, it would be possible to get rid of the myriads of cache barriers before *loads* (stores will remain protected by cache barriers anyway) again, and spending some thousand machine cycles on analyzing a bus error every three days of uptime is clearly more efficient than having a cache barrier in kernel code every seventeen instructions... with kind regards pf