On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 02:19:11PM +1000, Stuart Longland wrote: > Probably, because it's no longer relevant these days. It doesn't say > anything special. Nonsense. It's just not printed to the screen by default. > Interestingly, my IP28 still shows the BogoMIPS reading in /proc/cpuinfo: > >stuartl@indigo ~ $ uname -a > >Linux indigo 2.6.10-mipscvs-20050115-ip28 #2 Sun Apr 3 08:24:18 EST 2005 Because you're running a vintage kernel. The 0 BogoMIPS bug was introduced by this CVS change: revision 1.54 date: 2005/02/21 21:34:24; author: ralf; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2 On multiprocessor systems the BogoMIPS for each CPU was reported was the value for the last CPU having calibrated it's delay loop. Only the value shown in /proc/cpuinfo on UP kernel was affected, so the effect should be purely psychologic - I know what negative impact low BogoMIPS may have on some people ;-) Ralf