I am trying to verify that on-board USB should work on a malta 4kc board. There appears to me to be some conflict between it and the serial ports. I've been asking around and nobody says they have done it, so I'd like to hear from anyone who has. Here's what I see: Using the mips.org CVS HEAD kernel source, and any USB device plugged in, during bootup there is garbaged output on the console as USB starts up: ============================== drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c: v2.0:USB HID core driver NE Risr otolamynghch dde IPrtg chha blof1buet 4yt N: gied otolamyblhe 96i 4628yt) NE Rier otofaly7 N: gied ocofaly5eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x41E1 input: USB HID v1.10 Keyboard [Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro] on usb-0000:00:0a.2-2.1 input: USB HID v1.10 Device [Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro] on usb-0000:00:0a.2-2.1 ============================== Once the serial console gets to a login: prompt, the first character I type is interpreted as a sysrq key. If I run "lsusb -v" I will start seeing: usb 1-2: lsusb timed out on ep0in usb 1-2: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd lsusb rqt 128 rq 6 len 256 ret -145 The console will again interpret a character as a sysrq key, and the Ethernet controller starts timing out. Does this look familiar to anyone? Has anyone successfully used the on-boards USB on a malta 4kc board? thanks for your help, --Guy Streeter