Hi all,
I'm currently developping on a Pb1100 alchemy board, and I use the Epson 13806 graphic controller connected to the Au1100 static bus. I've written a driver for it for kernel 2.6.x, and update the Au1100 code so I can access 0xE 0000 0000 address range.
Everything works fine, but for the speed. It seems that accessing the chip is too slow for having high-graphic performances. The LCLK is set at 49500KHz, as the memory clock inside the chip. I know it's a bit overclocked, but a lower LCLK freezes my system.
I've used the chip with the 2.4 kernel/driver to run X and some apps. I'm not sure what you mean by high performance -- does X run at reasonable speeds?
I would like to know if anyone have encountered this performance problem in the past with this chip.
Thanks in advance, Karl