Hi, ************ Revision / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Fri Nov 28 03:39:10 2003 UTC (10 months, 2 weeks ago) by ralf Branch: linux_2_4 Changes since +0 -7 lines Diff to previous (colored) to branchpoint 1.4 (colored) Remove waking_non_zero_trylock and it's caller __down_trylock. Reimplement the non-ll/sc version of down_trylock ************ As per the above cvs version log __down_trylock has been removed from semaphore.c. Has it been replaced by some other symbol/function like for eg., __down_interruptible was renamed with __down_failed_interruptible. Or has it become obsolete? If my driver has a call to this symbol what should I do then? Thanks Priya