Have anybody confirmed stability of binutils for big endian mips? while little endian gives me no problem but i am simply unable to make a working big endian ramdisk. specific problem is in identifying the e_type and e_machine fields in elf header of executables. expected value of e_type is 0x2(ET_EXEC) amd e_machine is 0x8(EM_MIPS) but those are read as 0x200 and 0x800 respectivly ..this is obviously the endianness problem. I have tried big endian ramdisk from ftp://ftp.ltc.com/pub/linux/mips/ramdisk/ramdisk and also tried compiling one using uclibc package , both failed because of same reason. when i run file command on those executables after mounting the ramdisk on my host i get o/p like ELF 32-bit LSB executable, MIPS R3000_BE - invalid byte order, version 1, statically linked, stripped though i see lot of mails regarding "invalid byteorder" but I didn't find specific suggestions. if somebody has experienced similar problems , pls. give me guidance. Best Regards, Atul __________________________________________________________ Give your Company an email address like ravi @ ravi-exports.com. Sign up for Rediffmail Pro today! Know more. http://www.rediffmailpro.com/signup/