In looking at some anomalous behavior on another software platform, I checked the current MIPS/Linux kernel sources and I wonder if we don't have yet another FP context problem lurking under the surface. On most, if not all, MIPS CPUs with integrated FPUs, the act of writing a value to the FP CSR (Control and Status Register, fcr31) which has the "E" bit, or any matching pair of Enable/Cause bits for the V/Z/O/U/I IEEE exceptions set will trigger a floating point exception. In the case of the Unimplemented Operation exception (the "E" bit), the emulator is invoked and all of the Cause bits are cleared in the context before user execution is resumed. In the case of other FP exceptions, the default behavior is to dump core, so the user never executes again. But *if* the user has registered a handler for SIGFPE, and one of the IEEE exceptions occurs, I don't see where the associated Cause bit is being cleared, and I would think that the consequence would be that the process would get into an endless loop of trapping, posting the signal, restoring the FCSR from the context with the bits set, and trapping again, whether or not the PC is modified to avoid re-executing the faulting instruction. Am I missing something, or is this a problem? Regards, Kevin K.