Balakrishnan Ananthanarayanan wrote: > > I wrote a SAMPLE CODE - Hello.S to work for a cross-assembler mips-linux-as - but this is giving me an error message: > ".data > quest: .asciiz "Hello World!" > .text > _start: > la $a0, quest > li $v0, 4 > syscall " > > The error messages are: > " Hello.S line 5: illegal operands 'la' > Hello.S line 6: illegal operands 'li'" > > Can anyone help? What is wrong? > $a0 and $v0 are what's probably giving you grief. Are you relying on the assembler to know these symbols or are you including a file that defines them. Just to be sure, try replacing $a0 with $4 and $v0 with $2 and see if the code builds. -- ------------------------------------------------- Justin Wojdacki (408) 350-5032 Communications Processors Group -- Analog Devices