I'm having trouble figuring out how to setup the RTC for my Linux port. My board has a Dallas DS1501WE chip, and I can't figure out the rhyme or reason for the addr values passed to my rtc_write_data callback from the kernel. I know my RTC base address, and can in fact go in and look and see the date/time values at that location. It appears for the mips boards that have rtc support in the kernel (some do not), the actual code inside these callbacks differs, but I noted that the DEC references a Dallas chip, others appear to use other rtc chips. I would have assumed that the addr value passed to my rtc_write_data callback would have been sequential in nature and I would simply return the value at the (rtc_base_addr + offset passed in as addr), but the addr values I see coming in are really sporadic. Can anybody offer any suggestions, or does anybody know what the addr values pased into the callback refer to? Thanks, Lanny DeVaney Red Hat, Inc.