The following code reveals a bug in the MIPS Gnu C Libraries available via ftp on ( The bug is posix thread related and occurs when using the libc and libpthread versions available at: /pub/linux/mips/redhat/7.1/RPMS/mipsel/glibc* The bug also appears to exist in: /pub/linux/mips/mipsel-linux/RedHat-7.0/RPMS/mipsel/glibc* The bug does not exist in earlier versions of the pthread library, or on the non-MIPS (non-SGI) distributions. (ie. RedHat 7.0 for ix86 does not exhibit a failure with this code, but RedHat 7.0/7.1 on mips does) Upon failure the following code sequence will core dump (SEGV) instead of exiting normally. Thanks, Roger Twede Engineer/Scientist Hewlett Packard Company // CODE STARTS BELOW #include <assert.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sched.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> struct ThreadStartInfo { pthread_mutex_t InitCompleteMutex; pthread_cond_t InitCompleteCond; void * (*Func)(void *); void * Arg; int Priority; char * ThreadName; unsigned char InitCompleteCount; }; static void * StartFunction(void * Arg) { struct ThreadStartInfo * StartInfo = (struct ThreadStartInfo *) Arg; int result; void * retVal = 0; assert(Arg != NULL); result = pthread_mutex_lock(&(StartInfo->InitCompleteMutex)); assert(result == 0); printf("pid=%d thread mutex locked at x%x\n", getpid(), &(StartInfo->InitCompleteMutex)); StartInfo->InitCompleteCount = 1; result = pthread_cond_signal(&(StartInfo->InitCompleteCond)); assert(result == 0); printf("pid=%d thread cond signal sent, unlocking at 0x%x\n", getpid(), &(StartInfo->InitCompleteMutex)); result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(StartInfo->InitCompleteMutex)); assert(result == 0); printf("pid=%d thread unlocked\n", getpid()); sched_yield(); printf("pid=%d yielded and back again\n", getpid()); return(retVal); } int main(void) { pthread_t ThreadObject; struct ThreadStartInfo StartInfo; pthread_mutexattr_t mutexAttr; pthread_attr_t threadAttr; pthread_condattr_t condAttr; int result = 0; StartInfo.ThreadName = "mythread"; result = pthread_mutexattr_init(&mutexAttr); assert(result == 0); printf("pid=%d Init mutex\n", getpid()); result = pthread_mutex_init(&(StartInfo.InitCompleteMutex), &mutexAttr); assert(result == 0); result = pthread_condattr_init(&condAttr); assert(result == 0); result = pthread_cond_init(&(StartInfo.InitCompleteCond), &condAttr); assert(result == 0); StartInfo.InitCompleteCount = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&(StartInfo.InitCompleteMutex)); printf("pid=%d About to create thread: %s\n", getpid(), StartInfo.ThreadName); result = pthread_attr_init(&threadAttr); assert(result == 0); result = pthread_create(&ThreadObject, &threadAttr, &StartFunction, (void *)&StartInfo); assert(result == 0); while ((result == 0) && (StartInfo.InitCompleteCount == 0)) { do { printf("pid=%d about to cond_wait for %s init 1.\n", getpid(), StartInfo.ThreadName); result = pthread_cond_wait(&(StartInfo.InitCompleteCond), &(StartInfo.InitCompleteMutex)); printf("pid=%d back from cond_wait for %s init 1. result=%d\n", getpid(), StartInfo.ThreadName, result); } while (result == EINTR); } result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(StartInfo.InitCompleteMutex)); assert(result == 0); getchar(); return 0; } // CODE ABOVE