I think I saw somebody ask last week how to configure the kernel for the MIPS Malta board. In the tar archives on ftp.mips.com, e.g. linux-2.4.3.mips-src-01.00.tar.gz There are several .config files: /home/hartvige/tmp/linux-2.4.3> ll .config* -r--r----- 1 hartvige mips 11361 May 25 10:59 .config.atlas -r--r----- 1 hartvige mips 11436 May 17 09:59 .config.malta -r--r----- 1 hartvige mips 10681 May 17 10:49 .config.malta.64 Copy or link the right one (in this case .config.malta) to .config, and you're ready to go! /Hartvig