Hy all I've a little Problem booting an SGI Indy from Harddisk. There is Linux Debian installen, and i made with dvhtool an korrekt Startfile. While starting, the indy loads the Kernel, and boots. But then, it mounts my root-Partition from the remote Server where i had the install-Partition. How can I tell the Indy to boot from /dev/sda1 I think i must set an StartOS ... but i dont knew what, and i don't knew where to search. TNX for help. -- MFG Robert Einsle BNA Technik, Postmaster >>Warum muss ich bei "Verwaltung von Problemloesungen fuer eine EDV-Abteilung" an einen Waffenschrank denken?<< (Robin S. Socha in de.comp.os.unix.linux.misc)