I have tried recently to get Debian installed on a 100MHz r4000 indy. I got it to install and boot the base system, but when I upgrade to the more recent libc6, I get Bus Errors when I run things like "ls". I understand that this is related to the MIPS_ATOMIC/ll/sc stuff that has been discussed here lately. So, I tried the fast-sysmips patch. This changed the Bus Errors to Segfaults. I also have another indy with a 175MHz r4400. This machine seems to work fine even without the fast-sysmips patch. So what's the deal? Are the r4000 and r4400 that different? It's my understanding that both the r4000 and the r4400 support the ll/sc instructions. Should I expect bad/broken hardware on the r4000 machine? Thanks, Greg