Hi! I'm using kernel 2.4.0-test3 from the SimpleLinux dist on an Indy w/ R4400SC, booting using DHCP on an x86 RedHat 6.1 box. Right now the boot is completely unattended, I just turn on the Indy and a few seconds later I'm at the single user bash prompt. To get further than this, I would like to pass command line options to the kernel at boot, and have tried setting the OSLoadOptions PROM variable. The problem is that the kernel seems to be passed the string 'OSLoadOptions=<my kernel boot options>', instead of just the boot options. At least that is what is indicated by the line Kernel command line: OSLoadOptions=init=/sbin/simpleinit during boot. At the end of this mail is a clunky patch that fixes this, but I'm not sure if this is the right way to go about it. /Erik erik@ic.chalmers.se Patch to linux/arch/mips/arc/cmdline.c of 2.4.0 37c37 < int actr, i; --- > int actr, i, offset; 48a49 > offset = (!strncmp(prom_argv[actr], "OSLoadOptions=",14)?14:0; 50,51c51,52 < strcpy(cp, prom_argv[actr]); < cp += strlen(prom_argv[actr]); --- > strcpy(cp, prom_argv[actr] + offset); > cp += strlen(prom_argv[actr] + offset);