On Wed, Jan 24, 2001 at 04:30:48PM +0100, Florian Lohoff wrote: > Hi, > here a short oops while trying to run "find" in a glibc 2.2 root > on a Indigo2 with a current cvs 2.4.0 kernel. > > Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 00000000, ra == 00000000 Decoded this is: Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 00000000, epc == 00000000, ra == 00000000 $0 : 00000000 1004fc00 fffffff2 00000001 $4 : fffffff2 00000000 00000001 00000000 $8 : 00000000 2abf3a94 8800f4a0 00000004 $12: 8ec09f10 7ffffaf8 8ec09f18 8ec09f18 $16: 8801acf8 00000000 10011510 00000002 $20: 10011510 7ffffdd8 7ffffdcc 00000002 $24: 00000000 2abf3a80 $28: 8ec08000 8ec09ef8 7ffffd10 00000000 epc : 00000000 Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-bigmips -a mips:3000 Status: 1004fc03 Cause : 30000008 Process find (pid: 242, stackpage=8ec08000) Stack: 10011510 7ffffd10 88028344 00000000 7ffffc80 00402440 2aca4e00 2ac95d10 00000000 2ac95d10 10011510 00000002 00000001 8800fa88 000007d1 100235b0 10011510 00000000 00000003 00012000 00000000 1004fc01 00001035 00000000 000007d1 10011510 00000001 00000000 0000fc00 00000010 00000000 8ec09f0c 8ec09f10 8ec09f14 8ec09ef8 8ec09efc 2aca4e00 2ac95d10 10011510 00000002 00000001 ... Call Trace: [<88028344>] [<8800fa88>] Code: (Bad address in epc) Warning (Oops_code): trailing garbage ignored on Code: line Text: 'Code: (Bad address in epc)' Garbage: 'ress in epc)' Warning (Oops_code_values): Code looks like message, not hex digits. No disassembly attempted. >>RA; 00000000 Before first symbol >>PC; 00000000 Before first symbol Trace; 88028344 <sys_nanosleep+190/24c> Trace; 8800fa88 <stack_done+1c/38> I guess the "Garbage" stuff has to be fixed in ksymoops Flo -- Florian Lohoff flo@rfc822.org +49-5201-669912 Why is it called "common sense" when nobody seems to have any?