Hello, > anyone know a source of monitor parts? i need two bezels(front pieces) for For starters, why ask this question under the heading " Re: crash in __alloc_bootmem_core on SGI current cvs" And secondary, I seem to recall you already posted this question. If you didn't get an answer, it will be becasue no one knows. Posting the same question again is just annoying and will not get you an answer if you didn't the 1st time. Bye for Now, Ian \|||/ (o o) /---------------------------ooO-(_)-Ooo---------------------------\ | Ian Chilton (IRC Nick - GadgetMan) ICQ #: 16007717 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | E-Mail: ian@ichilton.co.uk Web: http://www.ichilton.co.uk | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Proofread carefully to see if you any words out. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------/