Hello , I have now the following cross toolchain binutils 2.10.1 - egcs.1.0.3a - glibc-2.0.6. I manage to cross compile the kernel for mips and when I try to load the srec imagine on the mips I get the following error. For this srec imagine I used mips-linux-objcopy -O srec vmlinux srecimagine. **************************** Exception occurred **************************** TLB exception (store) CAUSE = 0x8080000c STATUS = 0x00000403 EPC = 0x80024a0c BADVADDR = 0x000036e0 ERROREPC = 0x800131f0 $ 0(zr):0x00000000 $ 8(t0):0x00000081 $16(s0):0x80060000 $24(t8):0x80030f68 $ 1(at):0x00000000 $ 9(t1):0x80026178 $17(s1):0x80060f80 $25(t9):0x00000009 $ 2(v0):0x000036e0 $10(t2):0x00000000 $18(s2):0x0000003a $26(k0):0x00000000 $ 3(v1):0x00000000 $11(t3):0x80108390 $19(s3):0x80032bd8 $27(k1):0x00000000 $ 4(a0):0x000036e4 $12(t4):0x80020000 $20(s4):0x0000d004 $28(gp):0x80037b98 $ 5(a1):0x80060ec4 $13(t5):0x00000081 $21(s5):0x00000002 $29(sp):0x80060e50 $ 6(a2):0x00000010 $14(t6):0x00000080 $22(s6):0x00000002 $30(s8):0x80030000 $ 7(a3):0x80060ed0 $15(t7):0x80026178 $23(s7):0x80030f68 $31(ra):0x8001f57c *************************************************************************** What am I doing wrong here ? Regards, Nicu
begin:vcard n:POPOVICI;Nicolae Octavian tel;cell:+40 93 605020 x-mozilla-html:FALSE org:SC Silicon Service SRL;Software adr:;;;;;; version:2.1 email;internet:octavp@isratech.ro title:Software engineer x-mozilla-cpt:;0 fn:Nicolae Octavian POPOVICI end:vcard