That's great news. I really love ming with PHP and am glad it will be
continued with Windows support.
Larry Dunbar
Frank M. Kromann wrote:
Hi Larry,
The source code was added to PECL but no official package has been
created yet. When I get the time I'll be doing that and I'll also make
sure the php_ming.dll is compiled and included in the official windows
- Frank
Larry Dunbar wrote:
In the updated PHP manual, I noticed a statement under the Ming
Introduction section:
"*Note*: This extension has been moved to the » PECL
<> repository and is no longer bundled with PHP
as of PHP 5.3.0."
I also notice that ming is not yet in the PECL. If the PHP Group is
going to stop embedding ming into PHP, this means that rebundlers
like XAMPP will no longer be including ming as part of their
packages. This is going to hurt a few of us that use Windows and are
unable to recompile PHP ourselves.
Are there any plans in the ming community to keep the PECL versions
up to date? How will this work for Windows users?
Larry Dunbar
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Frank M. Kromann, M.Sc.E.E.
Web by Pixel, Inc.
Phone: +1 949 742 7533
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