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google-style toplinks/botlinks?


Been using mhonarc for some time now - works great. Especially compared to
the hypermail stuff we used to use.
I went digging through the docs to finetune our needs for the layout of
the archives. However, I cannot seem to find information on how to have a
Google-style TOPLINS of BOTLINKS.

I om looking for somwthing that looks like this (for an 8 page archive):

	1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

instead of having just next and previous.

While archives of over 10 pages (let say 34) will show something like

	1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-20 21-30 31-34

I suspect it is possible but again, I could not find any docs on this.
Maybe someone else his invented this wheel already?

Best regards,

Dick Visser
TERENA IT-support
Singel 468D, 1017 AW, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 5304488        Fax: +31 20 5304499
Email: dick@terena.nl       http://www.terena.nl
Live webcam: http://www.terena.nl/~dick/cam2.asx
PGP-key:  http://www.terena.nl/~dick/pgp.key.asc

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