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Re: multiple mails
On December 11, 2002 at 14:54, Peter Valicek wrote:
> When I get a mail in mbox format which contains other mails just like in mail
> box
> or rfc822 format, each of them would be parsed seperety as an singe mail.
> I parse it throw mhonarc to an perl script which insert the mails in a db.
> Is it possible that mhonarc does not parse each of the mails seperty?
> So that the attached mails would be shown below the mail ?
To clarify, it appears you have a mail message that contains
multiple messages within its body, and you want to make sure that
the message is treated as one mail message and not split up.
Maybe <http://www.mhonarc.org/MHonArc/doc/faq/archives.html#split>
answers your question.
If I misunderstood, can you provide an example?
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