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Re: Message Summaries indexing.txt

Hi People
The relevant information and code will be very soon on http://ainfos.ca/~galtal/indexing.txt
Soon is now...
First is the information from the aliases file

For each of our mailing lists there is an internal address, posts approved for distribution go there and distributed in parallel
to various addresses. One of these addresses is that of the menue:
<aliasses distribution address of list-xx>::include: <aliases menue address>,<multilingual-archiving>,and other addresses...
<aliases menue address>  get copy from each of the <aliasses distribution address of list-xx>

The <aliases menue address> is piping the post to the menue.pl

<aliases menue address>: "|/etc/menue/menue.pl"

Notes on the following programs:

At present the /menue.pl program do not do any use with the post piped to it.
The piped post only is use only to activate the menue.pl program.

The program starts with opening of the index.html of a monarch archive
which include all the posts of the various language lists. .../ainfos336/index.html
(the archiving is done by mhonarc second or two before the menue.pl is activated.)

The address of this archive is http://ainfos.ca/ainfos336

The menue.pl Perl program do in each of it's runs two expanded indexes:
One is for all the posts of the last 24 hours index24.html - it is doing it
by the activation of the index24.pl - see below after the menue.pl and menue2.pl

The other expanded index it is doing  in that run is
the expanded index of the language of the last post.

The menue.pl "see" (read) in the subject of the post what is the language tag like (en), (fr), (de), etc
of the last post (that activated the menue.pl). (Each approved post
distributed by a language list get in the subject the language tag of that list.

It then choose accordingly which specific indiez-xx.pl to activate.

The indiez-ca.pl program that refreash the  http://ainfos.ca/ca/indiez.html
is after the index24.pl program.

Though it is my first try of documenting - and I am not the one who
did the programs -  I hope the need for explanations will be satisfied
here or later.

The individual programs of

are to be found too on http://ainfos.ca/~galtal/


Eugene Eric Kim wrote:

> On Thu, 10 Oct 2002, Ilan Shalif wrote:
> > Look at http://ainfos.ca/en/indiez.html
> Clever!  Is the code available somewhere?
> -Eugene
> --
> +=== Eugene Eric Kim ===== eekim@eekim.com ===== http://www.eekim.com/ ===+
> |       "Writer's block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they        |
> +=====  can have an excuse to drink alcohol."  --Steve Martin  ===========+
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