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Re: mailing a copy of a message from an archive
On September 30, 2002 at 23:00, mhonarc@interlinx.bc.ca wrote:
> > The <http://www.mhonarc.org/archive/html/> archives (and any that
> > use mharc) have an Original link that downloads the original raw message.
> Hmmmm. An interesting approach could be to configure one's browser to
> fire up the MUA (or open a window on an already running MUA) and open
> the downloaded content when downloading something of content type
> "message/rfc822". Of course, the webserver sending the message would
> have to send it with the appropriate mime-type.
I've actually played with sending message/rfc822, and many modern
browsers can actually render the message (minus attachments). However,
this open things up for XSS attacks. Hence, I always send text/plain
as the type.
> > I like your idea, but unfortunately, I do not see a way to prevent
> > if from being abused.
> Two different ways, or a combination of them if one wished. One would
> be to rate limit the number of messages a given IP in a given time
> window can have bounced. Not fool-proof by any means.
Requires extra work. I thought of this, but I believe the costs in
implementation out-weight any benefits.
> The second is to limit bouncing messages to list-subscribed addresses
> only. This one is fool-proof (well as fool-proof as DoS-preventing
> any mailing list in the first place) but requires more hoops to simply
> get a message to respond to.
It still allows someone to mail bomb subscribers.
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