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newbie question/problem message list "from" problem

This is probebly beyond the scope of the list, but it's time to ask. 

I have mhonarc working.  It works __GREAT__  Thank you all very 
very much.  I have downloaded Earl's long, fancy resource file, 
edited it, and started it working.  I have successfully convereted a 
22K message archive to html messages.  No problem. 

However, the email list server that I am archiving lists the FROM 
address as the listmanager.  The actual author is listed on a

From: authorname

as the first line of the BODY of the message.   

I have attached a sample message and headers below for you to 
see.  I _think_ I need some code to walk through the message 
archive and add an  X-AUTHOR: authorname in the headers, and 
then add X-AUTHOR as a possible FROM address in the standard 
resource file.  But I am _not_ enough of a perl programmer to do 

Or, alternatively, I need a way to convince Mhonarc that the first line 
of the body of the message _IS_ the from address.   

Can anyone help me? 

Thank you all for your time, thank you all for your patience.  Yes, 
I've read the docs, yes, I think I understood them, yes, the program 
works. It works great. 

Rick Boatright
=====Sample headers from email list ====

From: "1632Tech Listmanager" <listmanager@bar.baen.com>
Return-Path: <listmanager@bar.baen.com>
Received: from baen.com ([]) by 
          (InterMail vM. 201-229-121-127-20010626) with 
          for <robert-gottlieb@worldnet.att.net>;
          Sat, 23 Mar 2002 13:50:19 +0000
Received: from bar.baen.com [] by baen.com
  (SMTPD32-7.00) id A7F86E0011C; Sat, 23 Mar 2002 07:49:44 -
To: (Recipients of '1632Tech' suppressed)
Subject: Re: 1633 -- snippet 17
Reply-To: "1632 Tech Manual" 
X-Mailer: O'Reilly WebBoard 4.0
Message-Id: <200203230749455.SM01456@bar.baen.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 07:50:00 -0600

From: "Peter Dykhuis" <peter@thoughtline.com>

You should feel lucky.  At least at the Baen Bar we actually talk and
interact with our Trolls.  Most Newsgroups just kill file and ignore
them.........My what a good suggestion.



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