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RE: Pb with subdir and icons

Thank you for your quick answer, Earl. I tried to use:

<MIMEArgs override>
m2h_external::filter; inline usename usenameext useicon subdir

But the external files end up in the base directory and no link for icons were generated in message pages. On the contrary, if I make comestic change, in <MSGPGBEGIN> for example, the modification is taken into account at the next build.

So I wonder if the problem is related to the way we invoked mhonarc in a perl script.

foreach my $dossier (@dossiers) {
  my @mhargs = ( '-archive', 
              '-outdir', "c:/Communs/email/html/$dossier",
              '-msgsep', "^$msgsep",


Any idea ?


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