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recently moved my lists, mhonarc and wilma to a new box and don't think I
got the wilma config quite right. Having trouble with wilma_reindex.
Sounds like the variables in this section of code from wilma_reindex:
# Reinc all the mailboxes that have changed.
if (@reinc || $force) {
my @command = ($cfg_mhonarc, '-add', '-rcfile',
"$root/$cfg_mhonarc_rcfile", '-outdir');
print "Re-incing @reinc\n";
foreach (@reinc) {
my $arc = join("", /$cfg_mbox_regex/); # Already matched
print "@command $arc $_\n";
system @command, $arc, $_;
push @reindex, $arc; # We must re-index this archive
are not getting expanded correctly or I have defined them incorrectly.
Here's the error when I run
$/var/www/cgi-bin/wilma_reindex lims
Re-incing lims.200202
/usr/local/MHonArc2.5.2/mhonarc -add -rcfile
/var/www/cgi-bin/.wilma/main.mrc -outdir 200202 lims.200202
Can't exec "/usr/local/MHonArc2.5.2/mhonarc": No such file or directory at
/var/www/cgi-bin/wilma_reindex line 163.
/usr/local/bin/glimpseindex -f -o -H index -M 50 -z 200202
Using 485451 words as threshold before merge
This is glimpseindex version 4.14, 2001.
Indexing "/var/www/html/lims/200202" ...
Size of files being indexed = 25221 B, Total #of files = 4514
Index-directory: "/var/www/html/lims/index"
I can get it to run if I specify the full path to the out dir ('200202'
above) and the full path to the archive file ('lims.200202' above).
Here's the content of the lims.cf file with actual paths included:
** start lims.cf **
# Web Interface to List Mail Archives configuration file
# $Revision: 1.7 $
# [ wilma ]
# Convenience definition of the list name for expansion in other
# definitions. Wilma knows the list name by the name of this
# configuration file.
LIST = lims
# [ wilma ]
# The title text for the list
# [ wilma wilma_reindex wilma_hiliter ]
# Pathname of the HTML archive directory (not including the archive
# directory itself).
ARC_DIR = /var/www/html/lims
# [ wilma ]
# URL path of the HTML archive directories if different than the file
# system path above. Leave blank if the same.
ARC_URL = /lims
# [ wilma_reindex ]
# Pathname of the raw mail list archive directory if different than the
# HTML archive. Leave blank if the same.
ARC_MBOX = /usr/local/majordomo-1.94.5/lists/lims.archive
# [ wilma wilma_reindex ]
# A Perl regular expression returning the year and month numbers
# in $1 and $2, respectively, from the HTML archive directory
# name. Backslashes must be doubled due to configuration variable
# interpolation.
ARC_REGEX = ((?:19|20)?\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)$
# [ wilma_reindex ]
# A Perl regular expression returning the year and month numbers in
# $1 and $2, respectively, from the mailbox archive name if different
# than ARC_REGEX. Leave blank if the same. HTML archive directories
# and archive mailbox links are differientated by those file system
# attributes. Backslashes must be doubled due to configuration variable
# interpolation.
# [ wilma wilma_glimpse wilma_hiliter ]
# The e-mail address of the person responsible for the HTML archive or
# mail list.
MAIL_ADDR = $LIST-owner@lims.taratec.com
# [ wilma wilma_glimpse wilma_hiliter ]
# The full name of the person responsible for the HTML archive or mail
# list.
MAIL_NAME = Contact the list owner
# [ wilma ]
# URL of the glimpse help page
GLIMPSE_HELP = http://glimpse.cs.arizona.edu/glimpsehelp.html#sect7
# [ wilma ]
# URL of index page background image. Takes precedence over
# [ wilma ]
# Color name or mask for index page if INDEX_BACKGROUND not defined.
# [ wilma_glimpse ]
# Path to glimpse, which searches the archive indices.
GLIMPSE = /usr/local/bin/glimpse
# [ wilma_glimpse ]
# Pathname of the archive index directory.
# [ wilma_glimpse ]
# Pathname of the archive directory that glimpse sees when it does
# getcwd(3) if different than $ARC_DIR. It can be different due to NFS
# automounts and symbolic links.
# [ wilma_glimpse ]
# URL of search page background image. Takes precedence over
# [ wilma_glimpse ]
# Color name or mask for search page if SEARCH_BACKGROUND not defined.
# [ wilma_reindex ]
# Octal umask setting while generating HTML archives and indices.
# Defaults to 022 if not set.
#UMASK = 022
# [ wilma_reindex ]
# Octal mode setting for index files. Defaults to 0644 if not set.
#INDEX_MODE = 0644
# [ wilma_reindex ]
# Pathname of the file signaling that reindexing is in progress.
FLAG_FILE = $ARC_DIR/reindex.lock
# [ wilma_reindex ]
# Path to glimpseindex, which rebuilds the search index for the
# archives.
GLIMPSEINDEX = /usr/local/bin/glimpseindex
# [ wilma_reindex ]
# Table allocation for glimpseindex (the -M option) in megabytes.
# Defaults to 50 Mb if not set (same as previous versions). If you don't
# have that much memory/swap space, you'll need to specify something
# less.
# [ wilma_reindex ]
# Path to mhonarc, which reformats archived mail in HTML.
MHONARC = /usr/local/MHonArc2.5.2/mhonarc
# [ wilma_reindex ]
# Name of the MHonArc rc file.
** end lims.cf **
Stu Miller
Taratec Development Corporation
1170 US Highway 22E
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Phone: (908) 255-1592
Fax: (908) 725-8999
Cell: (856) 495-7541
NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission and any attachment(s) may contain
confidential information and are intended only for the person(s) named. Any
use, copying or disclosure by any other person is strictly prohibited. If
you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender via
e-mail and delete this message.
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