I just uploaded a version of mafw-grilo-source that can be installed from the Fremantle App Manager in the N900. Grilo: http://live.gnome.org/Grilo . Grilo is a framework to provide centralized access to different multimedia sources. Currently, in Fremantle, it supports Youtube, filesystem, Jamendo and Shoutcast. MAFW: is the multimedia application framework used to build the Fremantle Media player. Now that https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9361 is fixed in Fremantle 1.2, we can enjoy third party plugins in the official media player and mafw-grilo-source is an example using grilo and therefore, providing browsing Youtube, filesystem, Jamendo and Shoutcast. Enjoy it! -- Xabier Rodríguez Calvar Enxeñeiro en Informática IGALIA http://www.igalia.com
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