Em Ter, 2008-11-04 às 10:28 +0100, Henrik Frisk escreveu:> Hi all,> > Affter much frustration and unsuccessful attempts at importing my> Google contacts into my N810 contacts db I have decided to take a shot> at writing a utility to do it for me using the Google contacts API. I> may eventtually try to make it do synchronization similar to how> Erminig does calendar synchronization. My question to the list is if> anyone know of similar attempts that I may have missed despite my> eager searches.> If I recall correctly, Conduit can handle Gmail contacts, and has aMaemo port: http://www.conduit-project.org -- Leonardo Fontenellehttp://leonardof.org _______________________________________________maemo-users mailing listmaemo-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-users