OK, found the problem with my internet connection on the N800 and pairing with the Centro. Here's how I solved it. 1. Erased the phone from the list of trusted devices. 2. Went into the Centro and changed its device name from Centro to PalmCentro 3. Stopped and re-started Bluetooth service 4. Found the N800 when "looking for devices" still showed the OLD NAME. I thought it was a bug on the Centro, no, it's a bug in Nokia's OS which apparently uses the "cached name". THIS IS VERY CONFUSING and should be corrected. 5. When I paired with the "new" phone (which still showed the OLD name despite having changed it and even restarted bluetooth on the Palm), by entering the new keycode, it asked me if "I wanted to use the phone as an internet connection". 6. That is apparently the ONLY way to invoke the "Mobile Operator Wizard" run in the N800 OS. 7. If you start from Connection Manager, there's no way I could fnd to fire the Mobile Operator Wizard. BZZT Wrong!, that's why I ended up creating connections that didn't work. Someone please translate this into a bug report. :o) Just my $0.02 FC _______________________________________________ maemo-users mailing list maemo-users@xxxxxxxxx https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-users