Hi all, Yesterday evening, on popular request, I committed a patch to the elections scripts to add a link to candidate declarations at the top of Step 2 of the voting process. The voting site was updated this morning by Henri. Alas! I didn't properly test the change before committing, and omitted to escape quotes in the middle of a string, resulting in the Step 2 which you all saw if you tried to vote since this morning. The mistake has now been rectified (I believe) - normal service should be resumed. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Please let me know if you continue to have problems with voting. Cheers, Dave. -- maemo.org docsmaster Email: dneary@xxxxxxxxx Jabber: bolsh@xxxxxxxxxx _______________________________________________ maemo-users mailing list maemo-users@xxxxxxxxx https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-users