I have not (yet) shot myself in this particular foot ... :-7 When working on a password policy, I identified three categories of passwords (passwords should not be shared between categories, but that's another issue..) : - weak passwords that you don't write down because all you have to do is fill in your email address and it will be sent to you in clear - strong passwords that you don't write down, and if you forget it there's a way to reset it without knowing what it is (ask an administrator, remove the battery etc.). E.g. online banking, Linux shell passwords. - strong passwords that you write down and store in a couple of safes, because if you forget it you or your heirs are totally screwed. E.g. encryption keys, some Windows administrator passwords I'm wondering what category the Nokia N810 lock number falls in. It survives battery removal and OS reflashing, and AFAIK sshd won't start up until you have entered the number after booting. Anyone know how to reset the number if you really have to ? -- Andrew Daviel, TRIUMF, Canada Tel. +1 (604) 222-7376 (Pacific Time) Network Security Manager