Hi, ext Andrew Daviel wrote: > Jeffrey Mark Siskind wrote on Tue Mar 4: > >> Is there an implementation of diff for OS2008? > > I recently ported diffutils from my home desktop (Fedora Core 4). > I'm still trying to get my head around Debian packaging and .install > files (Fedora uses RPM and Yum. Debian's easier, but different) so my > .install doesn't work. Maybe it just needs to be "user" instead of > "free". > > So far, I have ported a few odd things I can't do without: > diffutils - diff,sdiff,diff3 > bc - arbitrary precision calculator > bzman - emulates "man" using preformatted, bzipped pages > cron - kind of works, but is missing "mail" > gnuplot - X based plotting program > less > lynx - text-mode web browser > nc - netcat tcp/udp client/server > > http://andrew.triumf.ca/N810/repository/dists/chinook/free/binary-armel/ > > Now that I look, diff and less were probably in /scratchbox/tools/bin all > along, but I couldn't find them on my N810 with "apt-get install less". less can be installed according to instructions here: http://maemo.org/development/tools/ - Eero