In the message dated: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 15:38:40 EST, The pithy ruminations from "Kevin T. Neely" on <Re: Find Large Files> were: => => => On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 03:15:11PM -0500, Chris wrote: => > I'm trying to locate large files on my internal memory (cleaning house). => > => > "find / -type f -size +10240k" I keep getting "find: invalid number +1024 => 0k" => => => How about du? => => I use something like du -h --max-depth=2 => => to get a quick overview of my problem directories. Nice idea, but a different tool. I believe that the "du" and "df" problems both stem from the same source: both "du" and "df" are really symlinks to busybox, and only implement a subset of the options you may be familiar with from use of the GNU "du" and "df" utilities See: Mark "eagerly awaiting a port of real command-line utils to Maemo" Bergman => => hope that helps, => K => => => -- => In Vino Veritas => =>