Howdy! After using graphical application manager to update lists of available programs, I encoun- tered a trouble with formatting the names list on "all" table. All specific lists are correctly formatted, just that "all" shows no place enough to see names. The handle should be moved to the right to help the issue. In this moment I cannot find the way to do that. Maybe some ascii file handles the behaveour? I did not do anything I have not done usualy, but nopcode site made some trouble updating the list. After removing that link, I managed to update and had no error mes- sages. I will now try to update manualy and see if I have some break-through. Any idea about? I see no error in having all files updated and the line on the list behaves just as normal. Only that place for the name should be a little wider, to show the name and no "...". Yeah! Gregale on 770. Best regards Zoran