I would suggest Jaiku which while a mobile social network has a massive number of N-Series and Nokia fans - perhaps directly a result of their S60 client. There are groups (channels) and easy notifications for threads of topics. It's not exactly what you are looking for, but there is a very active community of users engaged in regular conversation. Feel free to add me http://atmasphere.jaiku.com if you join. On Jan 29, 2008 12:21 PM, Gary <gary at eyetraxx.net> wrote: > I don't know of any lists but you might look in on these message boards: > > http://boardreader.com/fp/www_hardwarezone_com_Forums_21820/Nokia_Nseries_325584.html > http://forums.cingular.com/cng/board?board.id=nokia > http://discussions.nokiausa.com aka http://discussions.nokia.co.uk > q.v. alt.cellular.nokia via your local Usenet news server or Google Groups > > _______________________________________________ > maemo-users mailing list > maemo-users at maemo.org > https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-users > -- Jonathan Greene +1.914.750.8740 AIM / iChat - atmasphere gtalk / jabber - jonathangreene at gmail.com Skype / Gizmo - JonathanGreene blogs - http://www.atmasphere.net/wp / http://www.maemoapps.com