No problem with your mp3 files on my N810. So, your tablet seems to have a fault.... David. Jean-Christian de Rivaz wrote: > Compared to the N800, my new N810 have a pore sound quality using the > integrated left speakers. I first have think that the N810 only have a > right speaker playing the right channel only. But after several tests I > cam to the conclusion that the N810 have also a left integrated speaker > playing the left channel, but with a very poor sound, especially at low > frequency. > > I used this page to get some sound test files: > > > On my N810 the right sweep test > sound fine. The > sound is loud and clear even in the first second of the track when low > frequency are played. But the left sweep test > sound disappointing > in the first 20 seconds. Almost nothing are audible in the first second > of the track when low frequency are played. After about 20 seconds, the > sound is more comfortable but I still get the feeling that it is not as > loud as in the right test. > > Finally when playing the drum solo stereo test > I almost not here > the left channel, only crappy noise when the drum sound should can from > the left channel. > > So I wonder if my N810 have a fault in his speaker left channel, if this > is a design problem, or if this can be a software problem (error in a > DSP code ?). Can someone try to test his N810 using the above URLs and > share his experience ? Only the integrated speaker is to test, the line > out jack sound very good. > > Apart this sound issue (that can be only on mine), the N810 is a superb > product. > > Thanks in advance, > -- Web site : Tablet users map :