David Fass wrote: > Hi again. Someone here suggested I install OS2007. > Why install OS07? Unless you've got specific, life or death OS07 apps that haven't yet be ported to OS08, OS08 has some definite significant advantages. There's a significant speed increase, power seems to last about as long if not longer, the browser works better, online video (like youtube) actually is at usable speeds. If you're a new user, I'd forget O7 and go directly to 08. There's enough 08 stuff for a new user that you'll spend a week or more exploring all that's available, and by then, even more stuff will be available. Plus, you'll eventually need/want to upgrade to OS08, in which case, you'll have to reinstall all sorts of things at a huge waste of YOUR time... Just few thoughts. Back to your original question, there's a software install program that you download on your Windows machine that ports the OS (08 or 07) over to your n800 after you 'boot' your device with a special set of keypresses with the USB connection with your Windows unit. It may be different with Linux and Macs. I think you can find the info and downloads on the tableteer home page, or perhaps just google n800 2007OS (or 2008OS) and something relevant will probably pop up. -- Always, Dr Fred C drfredc at drfredc.com