Background: My goal is to have gpsd running constantly, connecting to a bluetooth GPS whenever a client connects. This should allow me to have both kismet, maemo-mapper and a few scripts I'll write myself all share the GPS and play along nicely. I've already installed bluez-utils, configured rfcomm.conf, written init scripts for rfcomm (bluez-utils itself did not seem to bind) and gpsd. However, maemo-mapper seems to not play well with others. The latest version on OS2008 will kill gpsd when I close it down, which brutally breaks my plans.. This didn't happen in OS2007 with an older maemo-mapper. Any way to avoid this? I attempted running gpsd as gpsd-foo instead, to try and evade this killing, but no luck. Maemo-mapper still manages to find and kill the process.. -- Jesper Cheetah <mail+maemo at>