Chris Vail wrote: > I just noticed that Neiman Marcus is selling the N800 (along with some other high end Nokia phones) for $400 (but if you shop at Neiman Marcus, you don't care about price). Amazon (through Tiger Direct) and supposedly a couple other places, have it cheaper. 1.5 weeks ago, I bought one for my wife for $360. Then at the end of last week, had them for $280 or something. $400 is basically the same as the list price for buying it directly from Nokia (which is actually what I did for my N800). So, I'd only look at the $400 from Neiman Marcus if they have them in the store, and you want to buy in the store. According to, they still have it for $239.00 with free shipping. The also say Circuit City has it for $299 and free shipping, with J&R ( having it for $299 and $6.95 shipping. (ironically,'s price for the 770 is over $300, so if you're going through, it's cheaper to get an N800 than a 770)