All, fyi. The October 1, 2007 issue of Wireless Week has a full page advertisement by Brightpoint that includes the Nseries from Nokia and highlights the N95 and the N800. What is interesting here is that Brightpoint, for those who are not aware, is at the core of the corporate "middleware" of mobile phone distribution in the U.S. Most of the manufactures, Nokia included, deal with Brightpoint, who in turn, deals with the mobile service providers. I don't know precisely what share Brightpoint has in the market for handset U.S. distribution but I know it is large. Here is the url to the www page that is mentioned in the advert:' -- Best Regards, John Holmblad Acadia Secure Networks, LLC * * *Serving the SmartDigital^TM home, entrepreneurial enterprise, and emerging network service provider markets* <mailto:jholmblad at>