I'm releasing an initial test version of powerlaunch: https://garage.maemo.org/projects/powerlaunch/ It's trying to go for a different type of launcher and system interface. Some of the reasons that motivated me to work on this came from issues I've had with the default UI: - I want a way to be able to play and control music playing while the device is in my pocket. - Launching programs quickly is not as easy as it could be. Finding the right button on the screen to push is difficult to do quickly and I'd rather use hardware keys with feedback. - In bright light, it's difficult to see the screen well enough to turn up the brightness of the screen so I can see. Other devices have had buttons I could hold to at least temporarily turn on a backlight. - I've realized I don't use any of the functions of systemui at all. I map the long powerkey to softpoweroff and that's the only thing I need to turn on/off the device. So the short power button press is completely wasted for me. What powerlaunch does: It replaces systemui. It actually pretends to be systemui so that it can interact with the rest of the system properly. It intercepts the powerkey press that normally brings up the system menu and gives the user the option to display whatever they want instead. All of the hardware keys (including power and home) can be bound to do what the user wants (such as launch programs, lock the device, reboot, whatever). It is extremely customizable via the config file. The interface is also designed to be configurable using glade. There's an unlimited hierarchy/nesting of modes. For example, you could map some arbitrary combination of keys like left,right,up,right,right to launch your favorite program. Or you could implement a device lock that requires entering the right combination of keys to unlock. It's probably easiest to just install it to see what it can do. For example, I use it to go into pocket music mode by pressing power,select. This immediately blanks the screen, locks the screen, but leaves the keys unlocked. In this mode, I can start/stop, change songs, and change volume using the hardware keys (uses mpc to control mpd). Whenever I hit the cancel button, it locks the keys also and is then in full softpoweroff mode. All of this functionality is specified in the config file. Installation: I would recommend making sure you can log in via ssh to kill the program if necessary, as it is possible to edit the config file in such a way to make it impossible to close the program. And edit /etc/mce/mce.ini to enable softpoweroff with the long power press as softpoweroff will normally close powerlaunch (unless you have told it otherwise). - Install the deb package from https://garage.maemo.org/projects/powerlaunch/ - Stop systemui as root with "sudo /etc/init.d/osso-systemui stop" - Look at and edit /etc/powerlaunch/powerlaunch.conf (or you won't have any ideas of what keys to press). Most of the documentation that currently exists is inside the config file as comments. - Start powerlaunch as a regular user - If you want to start it and run it in the background, try dsmetool -o /usr/bin/powerlaunch If you decide you don't need systemui like me, you can remove the two init links /etc/rc2.d/*osso-systemui* (nothing bad seems to happen). You can edit the interface by using glade to edit /etc/powerlaunch/powerlaunch.glade and specifying the particular layout you want in the config file. This is probably the least developed part of the program, but the eventual idea is to have templates in the glade file and ways to fill in the template from the config file (e.g. setting images of buttons to correspond to the programs that keys launch as mnemonic aids). The example setup has a not so pretty test interface that should show how buttons can be handled in the config file. Comments and ideas welcome.