I had to return my n800 in July for service after it wouldn't boot up any more. I couldn't figure out if it was a power connector problem, battery connection problem or what. After a while of not booting every time right away, it stopped booting up at all, or bricked out during normal use. So I sent it in for service. As I understand it, a replacement is ready for me to pick up at the Post Office. I guess the bottomline is it took almost a month to get it back from warranty service. Kind of longer than the web site says (7-10 working days). Oh well, staring at it with hopeful thoughts about it booting up wasn't going to bring it back to life. Alan Williamson wrote: > Anyone else experiencing problems with their power connector? > > Mine is showing signs of wear, with it not always registering. > > the device has not been plugged in and out no where near the times i > would expect. it is only a few months old!!! > > > -- Always, Dr Fred C drfredc at drfredc.com