Hi, I find surfing on N800 could be easier with some small enhancements: 1. Scrolling in Opera would be much easier using the hardware keys on the left. But using them Opera jumps from link to link. In most pages this is useless as there are too many or to few links. I would prefer doing a simple scrolling with the hardwarekeys. Down ist just down, ... 2. Clicking a link is sometimes hard without zooming a page. It would be easier if Opera would have a larger range around a link which activates the link. 3. Better Multitasking. On large pages I find myself waiting until a page is loaded. Sometimes I see a link I want to go further or I see this page isnt' what I want so I want to go back. In this phase Opera isn't as responsive as I want it to be. Just clicking the stopbutton it should stop immediately without a single second doing anything else. Stefan -- ----- GENIAS INTERNET -- www.genias.net ------ Stefan Englhardt Email: ste at genias.net Dr. Gesslerstr. 20 D-93051 Regensburg Tel: +49 941 942798-0 Fax: +49 941 942798-9