Hi I developed two python applications for the N800 1 - Kerez It's not easy to launch recurrent commands in osso-xterm. So, Kerez let You to store these commands and launch it from a graphical interface. http://david.hautbois.free.fr/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=kerez 2 - Erminig A python application to sync GPE Calendar and Google Calendar. Features : Two ways sync recurrent events an exceptions supported add/modify/delete events Be careful and test this application with test calendars. Project homepage : http://code.google.com/p/erminig/ Packages to install : http://code.google.com/p/erminig/downloads/list Howto : http://code.google.com/p/erminig/wiki/Documentation It seems to not work with N770. Mail me, I can send to You a patch. (not validated...) I'm a newbie with Python, so these applications are not perfect... Bad and good feedbacks are welcome. David.