As the happy owner of a Wintec WBT-201 (great service from Semsons, four days to England), I've built (ported to far too grand) the beta gpsbabel (gpsbabel-1.3.4-beta20070415) that supports the WBT-201 to the N880, enabling the download of logged tracks to the N800, then you can load the file into Maemo Mapper. There is a tar ball at: <> that contains the N800 binary and a README explaining how to set up bluetooth serial connection and download (and optionally erase) the logged tracks from a WBT-201. All the other gpsbabel functions should also be there (e.g. export to kml). Hope this is useful to other N800 / WBT-201 owners. Great device, had a lot of fun today wandering around the New Forest, where it worked with accuracy and reliability, even under quite heavy foliage. Works flawlessly with Maemo Mapper. -jonathan