On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 04:59:46PM -0500, Willie McKemie wrote: > Last year, I put sshd, xterm, mc, doom, and other useful apps on my > 770. I'm now poking around trying to figure out how to do the same > with my 800. And, I'm confused. Can someone point me in the right > direction on installing the proper repositories? There seems to be > much stuff on the maemowiki referencing the 770, but little about > the 800. Can OS2006 apps generally be used under OS2007? HOT DAMN! Here is what I was looking for: http://downloads.maemo.org Don't know how I missed it. Slick! This is a new facility since I last used my 770. I got term and ssh installed. Got a root password set and I can ssh into the 800. Doom failed; looks like the repository is messed up. Didn't find a mc that will work for OS2007. Can anyone tell me how to get those two things installed on a 800? I've been trying to get my IPaq bt keyboard working; it is recognized, but I can't get it to "pair". As the 800 attempts to "pair", it gives me a four digit number. Am I supposed to use that number on the keyboard or something? Am I supposed install some additional software? Anyone else have a IPaq folding keyboard working? -- Willie, ONWARD! Through the fog! http://counter.li.org Linux registered user #228836 since 1995 Debian3.1/GNU/Linux system uptime 377 days 1 hours 52 minutes